Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just finished :)

I am on a crafting roll!! And I'm LOVING IT!!

SWEET MEADOWS FARM gingerbread 8-25-11

See her on Etsy HERE

Paint brushes have been flying!!

I have been pretty busy lately. I decided to pick up my paint brushes again.
I started out 8 yrs ago tole painting and progressed to sewing.
I hadn't painted in a few years but got out some paint books and started so projects.
I thought I would get a bit of a start on Fall and Christmas items. Here’s what I've done so far…

RENEE MULLINS cardboard candy cane ornies 8-25-11 (1)
PRAIRIE BLESSINGS wood gingerbread mama n baby 8-20-11 (1)
RENEE MULLINS Harvest Thyme Wood Sign 8-18-11 (3)
I also have a dollie and gingerbread dollie almost finished.
I will post pics of them as soon as they are finished.

Until Next Time…